
ClowdFlows is an open source web-based data mining platform. The python-rdm package also includes ClowdFlows widgets, which can be used to easily compose workflows for mining relational databases.

User Documentation

Here’s an example workflow that demonstrates the usage of RDM widgets in Clowdflows. More specifically, the workflow constructs a decision tree on the Michalski Trains dataset (stored in a MySQL database) using Aleph to propositionalize the dataset.


Click the image to open the ClowdFlows workflow.

Developer Documentation

You can relatively easily extend your local ClowdFlows installation by developing new widgets. See the Developer documentation on, for instructions on how to develop and deploy widgets.

You are of course welcome to share your widgets with everyone. To do so, please issue a pull request.

The python-rdm ClowdFlows widgets follow the main ClowdFlows convention; rdm.db and rdm.wrappers can be imported as ClowdFlows packages and have the following internal structure:

  • rdm/<package_name> - package root,
  • rdm/<package_name>/package_data - widget database fixtures,
  • rdm/<package_name>/static - widget-related static files, e.g., icons,
  • rdm/<package_name>/ - main widget views,
  • rdm/<package_name>/ - widget views that require a user interaction before doing a computation,
  • rdm/<package_name>/ - widget views that visualize something after computation.